The next section of's article on the impossibility of God is that God is defined as all good and all knowing, and yet we have all the suffering today. They say that He knew who would end up turning away from Him or not every hearing His Word, so it doesn't make sense that He can be all-compassionate and create the people he knew were going to suffer for eternity.
They conveniently leave out the part about what caused this. Nobody but Satan and the demons would end up in the Lake of Fire without the original sin of Adam and Eve. We brought this on ourselves because God is all-holy, and therefore cannot be in the presence of beings that are imperfect. Even when God was with people his physical being wasn't because of His holiness. This is also why high priests that hadn't repented and sacrificed to atone for their sins died when they entered the Holy of Holies. The closest anyone has every gotten to seeing God's full glory on earth is Isaiah seeing part of God, and Moses seeing His back. God is even described as being so mind-blowingly holy, powerful, and full of glory that a look at God's front would kill an imperfect human on the spot.
Now back to the matter at hand. Suffering and pain exist because of sin. This is a basic, yet very important, concept. I've already shown why God wanted free will for us, but the free will resulted in sin which brought about all the pain and suffering there is. He cannot simply prevent people being born because of how they will end up. This is because He works within the natural laws He set in place, and this would clearly violate them. People make their own choices for how they'll end up. That's why Christians have the charge to spread their beliefs as far and wide as they can, and to give answers for their faith.
Another option God had would have been to not create at all. All creation exists to please God, and he is still pleased by what he has created. Nothing in nature displeases God, although people's corruption of God's originally perfect creation has caused unnecessary bloodshed between species. While He could have not creates humans because of those who wouldn't end up in heaven, He did create because he is still very pleased with those who do follow him. It is their charge to bring His Word to those people who haven't heard it so that more of his children end up with Him.
God ultimately created because His creation pleased Him and eventually it will once again be made perfect. This time, however; humanity will not mess up for the will have been purged of their sinful nature by the acts of Jesus Christ. The original sin is what caused humanity's suffering, you cannot accurately blame God for that.
Hi there. My name is Frank. I would like to ask you a few questions about your view of Bible murder.
ReplyDeleteAs you have quoted a number of times, children were to be put to death along with wives and husbands. Even if we factor in that the adult inhabitants of villages and cities were guilty of sin (according to the attacking army's law) - how can this be true of babies and children?
Can we "execute" the innocent? No, if the innocent are killed, this is murder, not justified execution. Execution must be lawfully justified.
Definition of innocence: Having broken no stated law in the land.
Can babies and children understand laws, let alone discern right from wrong?
The Bible, particularly in the Old Testament, testifies to the destruction of entire cites of children and babies:
Sodom and Gomorrah
Various Canaanite villages and cites
During the Noachian Flood
In the future when the rider of the white horse brings destruction on the living generation at that time.
Does God truly place value on human life or is he rather preoccupied with vindicating his name?